Thursday, June 2, 2011

No water, no story!!!

I think it is at this point I say - if there is not a vast amount of water to worry about, there is probably no reason to update every night anymore!  

This is how much water was on the orchard road today:
Only a very small puddle of water remains on the road

The pooled water is now standing at row 30.  I feel as if time has gone back a week! 

The large crack over the natural gas pipe remains and is pretty deep

I find it amazing that with a simple repair of a canal wall (only 75% repaired) time seems to have gone in reverse.  Why, oh why did someone not do this in the first place?


  1. I agree!!!
    How are the trees? I really hope that there are not many trees (if any) lost!

  2. Nope, never! I have just felt it is very important to document such an unusual course of events that has the potential to affect many homes in our area.

  3. Jennie - so far, there are still 30 rows of trees sitting in water. I am very surprised that the water has receded so quickly now that the flow has been so dramatically reduced. I think we will see dying leaves soon, if the water has strangled the roots.
